The Daily ‘Date’

By Kristin Rodriguez, LMFTA

In between work, children, and daily household tasks, sometimes connecting with your partner can fall to the wayside. We can just get stuck in survival mode, making sure homework is finished, bathtime is achieved without too much chaos, and the goal may simply be getting to bed at a decent time in order to do it all again the next day. However, in the midst of the busyness, we can lose connection with our partners. This is the person you are committed to and have decided to live this life alongside them, no matter how busy life can get. So how can you protect this connection when life feels extra full? Here are some tips to have a reliable connection time, a ‘daily date’, or what the famous psychologist Dr Gottom calls it, a ‘ritual of connection’.

  • A meal around the dinner table - You both have to eat, why not guard a time where it can happen together!

  • Tea time - Pick a time where kids can be asleep or preoccupied and work is put away and you two can have a reliable time where you sit together, sip something relaxing, and connect after a long day.

  • Walk the dog - A simple daily task or chore, but one that can be done alongside one another and made restful and purposeful.

  • Exercise - Be active and enjoy growing healthier physically and relationally at the same time.

  • Hug and kiss - Allow your partner to know that when you leave or return that you have a special way of greeting them.

  • Show appreciation - Show gratefulness when your partner cleans up the kitchen, drops off the kids, or serves you somehow in the midst of the chaos. Create patterns of thankful comments or notes so your partner can feel appreciated by you.

  • Reach out during the day - A simple text or phone call can go a long way to remind your partner that you are thinking of them or desiring connection even when life is busy.

Make this time your own! It can vary on how many minutes you do or what activity, but the point is that you and your partner can simply look forward to a guarded and guaranteed time where you are simply with each other and the rest of the world can wait.


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Above All Else, Love