Helping Kids with Big Emotions, Anxiety, and Social Challenges: When to Seek Support
Does your child have BIG feelings? So big that they have a hard time going throughout the day without several meltdowns?
Do you feel as though your child is intelligent, though really struggles with task completion and/or comprehending what they’re learning?
Does your adolescent have a hard time falling asleep or staying asleep?
Is it hard to watch them struggle with anxiety and worry that does not seem to fit the situation?
Does your loved one struggle to fit in with peers, so much so that they are isolating themselves and refusing to engage socially?
Is it hard to know whether or not what they are experiencing is because of their age or context, or something that needs professional expertise?
Does it seem like your adolescent is spending so much time on their phone or ipad or computer because they struggle to communicate in typical social situations?
Frequently Asked Questions
Raeanne and Danielle are certified pediatric nurse practitioners (CPNP), trained in primary care, with specialized training in child and adolescent development, behavior, and mental health concerns. Raeanne is recognized by the pediatric nursing certification board as a pediatric mental health specialist.The goal of working with a developmental and behavioral pediatric mental health specialist is to understand the child/adolescent as a whole person and to work with he family to create sustainable solutions.
Raeanne and Danielle will partner with your pediatrician as a specialist / consultant. They have the privilege and benefit of spending additional time with the patient and family, illuminating key factors contributing to the child or adolescent’s mental health and developmental needs. Raeanne and Danielle's additional training and experience makes them uniquely qualified to enrich the patient’s care.
The intake visit is approximately one hour. If additional development assessment would be helpful, this will be scheduled at the first visit. If medications are prescribed, a follow up visit will be within one month and then quarterly (upon reaching a stable regimen).