"Mirror, Mirror on the Wall"

Ah yes, that title of course stems from the age-old story of the queen who felt the need to be the most beautiful in the kingdom.  As she gazed into the mirror she longed to hear that she indeed was second to none in appearance.  Hearing that there was another “fairer” sent her into a murderous rage.  Now I would be willing to venture a guess that feeling “less than” another does not send you on a mission to kill all of those who are better than you are in a particular area. However, how often do you feel a pang of envy when a co-worker comes up with a great idea or gets promoted over you?  How often do you walk into a room and compare your attire, looks, or net worth with that of the others in the room?  Or perhaps you compare your current self to a former version of yourself that you preferred—a younger, more toned, outgoing self?  I have a dream (little shout out to the King here).....that one day people will be able to look into the mirror with a more balanced view of themselves.  Acknowledge the skin imperfections, the fine lines, and the slightly receding hairlines, but also see the sense of wonder and hope in the eyes, the joy in the smile, and the strength within.

What would it take for you to look into the mirror and acknowledge the beauty before you? Cindy Crawford apparently allowed a photo of her to be released to the public that was not altered beyond recognition. We all applaud. Jamie Lee Curtis then adds a picture of herself with what could have been a bathing suit from the 50s. Uh...thanks?  I am struck by the fact that we care. That we elevate others to a place of power over us that we can finally breathe a sigh of relief when we learn that others have imperfections.  You have probably heard the phrase that there will always be someone prettier, smarter, and more talented than you are. But I wonder if that sometimes leaves us to wonder.....then who am I? What makes me worthwhile?  What makes me feel alive and worthwhile?   If we knew the answers to these questions, I wonder if we could stop the endless game of comparison.  In this game, no one wins.  We make assumptions about others and objectify them based on our own conception of them, and we miss the beauty in them as well.

Go ahead, take a look in the mirror. I dare you. Learn to embrace and cherish the reflection. For what you see and for all of the awe-inspiring beauty that is waiting to be discovered.... when you quit asking or caring about, “who is the fairest of them all.”


Hypocrisy 101


Fear-Based Decision Making