Fear-Based Decision Making

In reading some of the heated articles and social media discussions on the vaccine debate, I have wondered why this discussion is so important to people. One possibility is that it taps into genuine fear...The fear that innocent and naïve children will attempt to fight serious illnesses on vulnerable immune systems.  And perhaps the fear that vaccinations might reduce this likelihood, but at what cost? The fear that vaccinations will harm healthy children and cause them to become autistic.  The fear that too many vaccinations at one time will create brain swelling and overwhelm a little body without the ability to fight back. And possibly, ultimately the fear that we will make the wrong choice on behalf of our children. 

Perhaps this is such a hot topic because we are afraid... as a society... to make the wrong choice. And perhaps this leads to indecision or inaction.  You might be thinking to yourself that you are not a parent and that you will think about that when the time comes.  Fair enough. But how often do we operate from the same principle and make / not make decisions based out of fear? Do we stay in unhealthy / destructive relationships for fear that no one else will ever love us? It can be tempting to stay with what feels comfortable and safe, even if the relationship you are in is nothing like the love you know is possible. Do we keep ourselves hidden from honest and genuine relationship for fear we will be rejected or unwanted? You can convince yourself that the side of yourself you show to others is more loveable than if they knew the real you, even though you ache with loneliness and desire meaningful relationship.

How has fear contributed to your story?  Does fear keep you from getting on an airplane or on a boat? Does fear keep you at home or away from large social gatherings? Perhaps you had a difficult experience that you can’t shake which tells you that you are better off not taking the risk. Maybe it’s true. But what if it’s not? What if you have been believing a lie and allowing fear to cloud your better judgment? It might be time to take a step toward living without constant fear. 


"Mirror, Mirror on the Wall"


Measles and Gratification