Super Seven: Things That Make Everyone Feel Better

By Raeanne Johnson, CPNP-PC, PMHS

Hello friends! As a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner, Pediatric Mental Health Specialist, and busy mama to three amazing kiddos, I’ve found seven lifestyle modifications that make a big impact on our mood and mental health.  In our visits, I often refer to these as “seven things that make everyone feel better”, and the good news is they are all free and accessible.


We know sleep is important, so we discuss a quality sleep routine, consistent bedtime, and strategies for prioritizing rest.


Screen time is a divisive topic, and there is no singular correct answer for how much is “too much”, but we will talk about patterns we see and the correlation between screen time and mood.  Does social media scrolling increase your teens anxiety? Are most of the anger outbursts surrounding the removal of electronics or losing in gaming?


I own a shirt that reads “Less screen time, More green time” and summarizes my philosophy on the two.  We know that morning sun can naturally increase our serotonin production and general sun exposure increases our vitamin D which aids in mood health. 


Find a type of movement that you love, and do it often to boost those endorphins!


Sugar has been linked to anxiety and depression so we need to exercise discretion on setting limits and enjoying in moderation.

6-Scripture (or faith-grounding practice)

This is probably my favorite tool, because we can take our anxieties to the Prince of Peace-Jesus! (Isaiah 9:6)  I love to read the Bible, but this tool can be applied to any faith or spirituality background.  It’s helpful to have a mantra or verse to meditate on to help ground us when the cares of our hearts are many.  Breathwork is also a beautiful free tool that can be utilized to help keep us calm and steady.


This last one looks different for every family, but if we look through and see that the negative emotions that surround a certain activity outweigh the positives of enjoying it then we begin the discussion of how to eliminate or modify those activities.  

As a bonus, I also love to recommend an eighth “S” for Supplements  and I’ll be writing up a post with my favorites to share with you.

Thank you for reading! I hope you find this helpful and I look forward to serving you and your families as the newest member of the Psychiatric Medication Management team at Raleigh Psychology.



Dear Pastor


Clouds in the Sky, You Know How I Feel